WTH is Midwinter Break?!

So turns out NYC has a "Midwinter Break" which means the public school kids are out for a whole week. By 10am Monday morning Saint Anne the Wife and I realized why all the other NYC parents take their kids and leave town. By early that afternoon we had our two boys bundled up and off to find the middle of nearby Prospect Park before one of us burst into flames and burned down our side of Brooklyn.

If you've been following along for any length of time you'll know I'm big on routines, systems, and absolutely bent towards working all the time. Turns out that's not how being part of a family works so this past week was a growing – or at least stretching – one for me personally.

I'll never not admit that I married up; Anne is still by far the best part of my life. For as much as I'm working my tail off to get things going professionally here in a new city, she's lapping me in making sure our family is getting settled and surrounded by a solid community of people. With the amount of stress I've taken on being the breadwinner for our family during this time surely I've vastly underestimated what she has on her plate. If you’re ever inclined to see how strong your marriage is, try moving across the country, with two small children, no jobs, and away from extended family.

Speaking of breadwinning, Wednesday had me on my second paid job of 2019. A friend of a friend connected me with Plywood Pictures here in Brooklyn and they had me out to shoot on a project not far outside the city. The shoot went well and I had a good opportunity to connect with the producer. Hopefully they'll keep me around and I'll be able to land more work with them down the road.

This week also had me making some progress on a couple different music videos in the works – both as a DP working with a director and as a director/DP. It'd been awhile since I'd put together a treatment so it felt good to flex those mental muscles again.

Oh, and Thursday had me out with a stills camera and wandering around the city again. I'm currently obsessed with watching how street photographers work and had a quick second to watch a stranger doing their thing on the subway. Surely I'll have more to say about that later. In the meantime, I'll just post a few from Thursday.