Catastrophic Bingo

It's cool to say that things feel out of control at the moment, right? Like, I'm pretty sure we're one asteroid the size of Texas speeding towards the Earth shy of a completely catastrophic bingo.

There's the coronavirus and its quest to kill us all. We heard about the confirmed case in Manhattan this morning and you'd better believe I was more aware of my surroundings riding the subway this morning. The stock market had and incredibly rough week — the worst since the financial crisis. And just this morning I had two solid travel jobs (international & domestic) scheduled for the end of this month postponed due to this hot mess.

There's also craziness and inescapability of the presidential election, tax season, and being a parent to a two year old. I honestly wish I could just head west and hide in the desert for a few days. By all means I'd take Saint Anne the Wife with me; I guess the boys should come with us too. And Clara the Dog. And we'd need clean underwear, diapers, and food. And dog food. We'd need water too. And honestly my notebook and pen. I guess the boys would probably need something to do as well. Ugh... We should probably just stay in New York. I don't want to take all that nonsense to the desert.

But reality and responsibility remind me that I've got edits and taxes and rent and childcare payments – for next year – due and I'd better get back to work. But I also need to run to Target because we're out of Q-tips, Cherrios, and Elliot needs new toothpaste. And then I've got a lunchtime coffee with a buddy. Oh, and I'm supposed to schedule a bunch of other stuff. Thank goodness I've already filed my corporate taxes – and by that I mean my CPA is the best and I learned my lesson last year that those taxes are due in March, not April.


Again, crazy thankful that I've been busy the last few months. I'm dumb deep into the edit of three short doc pieces for a shoot back in January that are taking way too long to cut. I've also been on three different sets the last couple weeks, one of which had me absolutely falling in love with the way a DP buddy of mine, Jeremy McDaniel, lit an interview – surely parabolic sources are now yesterday's book lights. Oh, and seeing another DP friend of mine, Peter Fackler, light another interview on a white cyc and actually use his light meter was a treat.

But seriously though, hiding out in the desert with no contact to the rest of the world for a few weeks would be nice.