Shut it Down: Week Six

It's straight up nuts considering how life continues on while the world seems to be paused. Some good friends of our had their second kid the middle of last week; my cousin's dad died a couple days later from cancer. We're hiding out in and around our homes and trying to dodge an "invisible enemy." Meanwhile Saint Anne the Wife and I are on the tail-end of getting Kid v2 potty trained. There was a bit of a break last week with Kid v1's remote learning, but they're back at it starting today and seemingly with a vengeance. Curious as to how a student teacher will do during all this nonsense? Looks like E-town's classroom is about to find out. By all means, lets add more classroom Zoom calls to our 7-year-old's day considering how well the other ones are going.

I'll say for sure shooting has helped keep me sane through this nonsense. I got antsy about mid-week and got out to shoot outside my neighborhood. I'd been out the week before for a client project, but went out this time with my RED looking for whatever I could find. I started out taking a car from our place to Dumbo, then walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and finally ended up at Washington Square Park. There's more people getting out and doing the things they need to do. There's lines outside grocery stores (just like in my part of Brooklyn). Plenty of people wearing masks (again, like where I live). Oh, and the parks are pretty full (again, like my hood). More than anything I realized I didn't need to be out to "capture the look of an empty city." I ended up with a few shots I'm proud of, but then a whole load I'll not remember. Some of the footage is up on Filmsupply if you're up to check it out.

All in all I've got nothing really new to share. Looks like we in it for the long haul and I hope at some point we'll hit our stride. In the meantime, here's a few other favorites from the last few days: