Shut it Down: Week Nine

"Coffee, water, coffee, wine, water, repeat." - my brain

It's Monday, Day 56 of Quarantine. Here's this week's roundup:

Nothing. Nothing new. I go to Whole Foods and Target on Mondays, and then the rest of the week happens. I attempted to read a book I'd had on the shelf to avoid looking at my phone so much, but then I had to look something up that I'd read and then two days happened. This Sunday was Mother's Day and the older kid suggested "we make breakfast in bed for mom," which means "I make breakfast in bed for mom."

I did have a bit of a meltdown (or two or three) this week. Surely that's okay considering it's WEEK NINE of this nonsense. There's the apparent mass exodus of young professionals leaving NYC for the suburbs, so that's as encouraging as the current unemployment rate. We're planning a trip back to Oklahoma City this summer, so that's something to look forward to.

Not sure why, but I've had a weird rash of wanting to spend money all this week. Obviously, production work dropped off a cliff months ago with my last normal job back in early March so it's not like I'm seeing any kind of disposable income at the moment or foreseeable future. Surely it's time to finally buy a car so we can escape the city now and then or get groceries without having to take a two-hour nap afterward. Then there was that loose Astera Titan I saw super cheap on eBay that'd go so well with the one I already have. Dana Dolly rental kits for sale at an additional $100 off? I'll say we did jump on the Disney+ bandwagon this week for $7 (or two lattes)/month.

Still, we're here. Safe, healthy, and dangerously stir-crazy. I've been taking photos of discarded rubber gloves and face masks through most of this hot mess with grand plans to make something out of it.