Actively Looking for the Silver Lining

Look, there's no question these last 150+ days of living in our version of the upside down have unquestionably sucked. The bottom of my family's world fell out around March 13, 2020 and no question it's easy to complain about the garbage happing right now. This whole thing still feels like a bad dream and I'm hoping to wake up soon back in our Brooklyn apartment with my fever finally broken.

That being said and knowing I'm actually awake, my small act of rebellion today (and most days) is pulling out the telescope in search of some kind of silver lining. I'll keep it short this week and just to be difficult, I'll break the rule of threes:

  1. I've got a younger buddy here in Oklahoma City who's taking some big swings in trying to up the production value of local commercials. I knew he'd been nibbling away with a group called Studio Flight in the years before I'd left for NYC, but I'm crazy proud and excited for what he's doing now. By all means keep an eye on him if that's your thing.
  1. No question I'm upset, mad, and angry about not getting more time behind a camera right now. We've got a lot going on at the moment and I just can't get out to shoot, but it seems like that pent-up energy has sprung a leak into (possibly) better and more writing and (possibly) better food coming out of the different kitchens I've been hiding in. You'd need to talk to those who've read and eaten what I've made to confirm those bloated assumptions.
  1. With what's going in the world Saint Anne the Wife and I have been crushed by the weight of our family responsibilities, especially considering we've been semi-homeless since leaving our NYC apartment. Over the weekend we moved from my parents' place south of OKC to her mom's on the far northwest side to be closer to her new job. No question how this nonsense has impacted our two boys has been weighing heavy on us. Sunday night's silver lining had us seening a bit of Dr. Jekyll in our younger Mr. Hyde when he helped to comfort his older brother who'd smashed his knee into the doorframe and burst into tears.
  1. The NY Times came out with a semi-hopeful article today about "What if ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Closer Than Scientists Thought?"