Back to Work

Thankfully I'm staring down a busy week so this'll be a short one. I'm back in the director/producer/DP(-ish) chair and prepping a project shooting later this month, I'm making some headway on my rubber stamp doc, and I've got my FAA "Unmanned Aircraft General - Small" exam on Wednesday.

In prepping for my FAA Commercial Drone Certificate exam this week, I've been plowing through the online course. I did nerd out in learning how latitude and longitude worked, but I was ready to puke if I had to look at and decipher another freakin' VFR Chart or METAR/TAF.

Speaking of weather, the weather here in Oklahoma is starting to spin up again with equal parts nice and terrifying. One the one hand, our new trees and Anne's tulips are blooming. On the other, we've already had severe weather warnings and covered up our garden one night with some of the moving boxes we still have from New York. In years past, we've had two of our cars totaled and replaced all the windows in our house due to hail damage. Slapping together some cardboard forts above our tomato plants "just in case" was the least we could do to protect our salsa, red sauce and canned goods futures.